Booking form

Your trip

Your package

Ideal allocation of rooms

  • Accommodation type Quantity
    Dormitory bed
    Double room
    Twin room (2 single beds)
    Triple room
    Single room
    4-person room
    5-person room

    This choice will be respected as far as possible according to the availability of the accommodation at the time of booking. We will contact you to inform you in advance of any necessary modifications.

Your options

Discount for children aged 2 to 11 included (family room) -€25
Discount for children aged 2 to 11 included (double room) -€30
Remise ado de 12 à 17 ans inclus (uniquement en chambre familiale) -€50
July - August supplement €20
Equipment hire
Donkey rental €340


Total price: €0

Contact details


NB: please fill in the "height" field if you plan to rent a bike.

Emergency contact

Extra requests

Terms & conditions

→ Read our terms & conditions

NB: fields marked with * are mandatory.